クム (kumu)はハワイ語で平たく言うと先生。私の感覚では全てにおいて教えを仰げる師で、インドのグル(guru)と意味がとても近いように思う。尊師や師匠の方がもっと的確な訳かもしれない。
Kumu is the Hawaiian word for teacher. In my sense, Kumu is a special teacher who can instruct on anything everything, and I think that the meaning is very similar to that of an Indian guru. A revered teacher or master may be a more accurate translation.
私がクム ケアラ チン(Kumu Keala Ching)に出会ったのは、ドンキーミルアートセンターのオークションの会場だった。どこからともなくクムは現れて、チャント(ハワイ語でオリOli)を唱えて入場された。オークションイベントの成功に向けてのお清めのチャントのように感じた。(詳しくはまだわかっていない)
クム ケアラはいったいこの日本人女性は誰ぞや?とちょっと驚いた様子だったが、何か習いたかったら私の名前をググると色々出てくるよ、と全く普通の人のように教えてくれた。
Where I first encountered Kumu Keala Ching was at the art auction event of the Donkey Mill Art Center. Kumu appeared out of nowhere and entered and started chanting. (Hawaiian chant is called Oli). I felt like that it was a purifying chant for a successful auction. (I don’t know exactly what yet.)
The moment that he started the Oli, I got goosebumps, and my five senses, furthermore my sixth and seventh senses completely opened up. My eyes widened asking “Who?” “What?”
After his chant was over and I calmed down a little, I went to introduce myself to him and asked him how I could learn the chant that he just performed.
I’ve been always like this —when something I seek suddenly appears in front of me, I make an action without hesitation.
Kumu Keala seems to be taken by my out-of-the-blue approach a bit, but he told me that I can google his name and I will find various things.
A few weeks later, I started attending his Hawaiian language class. I have only been there about 5 times so far. Learning Hawaiian is quite difficult. I think I’ll start with Oli, which I’m most interested in.
Photo: When I was volunteering at the Lavaman Triathlon, Kumu suddenly appeared (again!) in front of me as if he had come down from the sky, so I asked him to take a selfie with me. Soon after, he sang an Oli on the beach for the start of the triathlon. I don’t know what kind of chant it was. I am going to ask him about it. During the chant, how he scooped sea water by a ti leaf and splashed it toward the mountains was memorable.
2 comments to “クムとの出逢い Encountering Kumu”
Masako Sekimoto - May 15, 2023
sloan - January 5, 2024
His sparkling eyes, the windows to a very peaceful and grateful soul, emit a warm all encompassing radiance.
Your meeting was no accident.
I love your description of hearing his first Oli, and how it affected you, unlocking the doors to your own perception.